- Being able to view or not to view pay rates in Loaded is based on the users permission settings, without payroll permission a user can not view pay rates.
A common situation is you want a staff member to not be able to see the pay rates of other staff members but still be able to access and edit the timeclock.
Head to Account from the dropdown menu under your username in the top right corner.
Click on 'Manage Users' under the name of your site;
Here you can edit the users' permissions.
As you can see all the boxes are ticked in the image above. For the user to be able to see the timeclocks but not the pay rates un-check the Payroll and Salary permissions as shown in the image below.
Please note, if the 'Manager' permission is selected, the user can add and remove permissions for all users so would be able to give themselves permissions that weren't granted initially. It is recommended that only a few senior-level team members have 'Manager' access to Loaded.
You do have the option to set up an additonal setting in Company Settings where the Timeclock permission allows pay overview information.
When this is selected Loaded users with the Timeclock permission will be able to see total wage cost & associated percentages in your Reports tab, but not individual payrates in the Time or Roster section
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