With Loaded Stock you can also count recipe's as well as items when you complete a stocktake. Here's how you go about it.
1. Find the recipe you want to count in the 'Recipes' section.
2. Tick the 'Stocktake' box within the recipe. This will make the recipe stocktakable when you complete a stocktake.
3. You will need to create a new stocktake after you have ticked the 'Stocktake' box in the recipe before you will be able to add the recipe to that stocktake. You will not be able to add recipes to previous stocktakes.
4. To count the recipe you will need to click the 'Add Recipe' button at the bottom of the stocktake. Then you will get a pop-up box with the recipe's for which the "Stocktake" check box have been ticked.
5. Enter the amount of the recipe you have and hit the finish button. The ingredients within the recipe will be added to the current stocktake.
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