You need Stock permission to create a statement. If you don't have access to this module, ask someone with Managers permission to update your user permissions.
You need to be able to navigate the orders by suppliers page and have received a purchase order in order to create statements.
To access head to Stock and then Reports, Orders by Supplier.
Scroll through the report to find the supplier name you're wanting to add a statement for.
Click Add Statement.
Edit the period start to match the suppliers statement.
Edit the period end to match the suppliers statement.
Enter a statement number.
Enter the statement total into the Amount $ section.
Tick the reconcile check boxes of the purchase orders that match the invoices on the suppliers statement.
If there's a small difference showing between the amount on the statement & the amount reconciled (usually caused by rounding differences) you can add an adjustment invoice.
Click Add an Adjusting Invoice.
Change the date received and date invoiced to match the statement date.
Enter an invoice number. Click on the text box and type this in.
Enter a unit cost for the adjustment under the relevant cost group (Food, Beverage or Other Stock)
Make sure you check the total matches the adjustment total you're needing to make and click Save.
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