You need Stock permission to export to Xero. If you don't have access to this module, ask someone with Managers permission to update your user permissions.
You will also need to have a Xero log in for your organization.
You need to be able to navigate the orders by suppliers page and have marked invoices as received in order to export invoices to Xero.
- You may want to enter and reconcile your statements prior to exporting to Xero.
The address country that is set when you create your company in Loaded will dictate the Tax Types that will be assigned in Xero from the Loaded Purchase Order export.
To access head to Stock and then Reports, Orders by Supplier.
Once you have selected your desired time period, click Export to Accounting System.
Select which orders you'd like to export by clicking on the tick-box beside the desired supplier.
Under Combine, click on the export option you'd like to use. You can either combine all invoices into one entry or export them individually. (If you wish to have one combined statement in Xero with the total owed to the supplier then you should choose the combined option if you wish to have individual invoices exported then choose the individual option)
Then click Next.
Click Connect to Xero
Select the relevant account codes for food, beverage, freight and other purchases and select the relevant Xero contact for each supplier you export to. For more information on correct supplier set up in Xero click here.
You can then go back onto the Orders by Supplier report, click Export To Accounting System, then expand the relevant supplier and click Exported, View in Xero to see the purchase orders in Xero.
Congratulations, you have successfully exported to Xero.
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