You need Time permission to view and edit the roster and Salary permission to be able to view payrates. If you don't have access to this module, ask someone with Managers permission to update your user permissions.
You need to setup your staff roles and staff before you are able to roster in Loaded.
- You can't start a shift in a roster before your daily cut off time which can be updated in your account settings. IE If your daily cut off time is 7am you won't be able to have someone starting a 6am shift for that day, you will to change your cut off time to 6am.
To access, go to Time, Roster, then Edit Roster
Editing your first Roster:
When you complete your first roster the roster editor page will bring up a blank template for the current week.
You can use the Day & Week buttons to change the view and the Select toggles to move backward or forward by day or week.
The Filter Roles button allows you to only view staff members assigned to certain roles within the venue ie. Kitchen Staff VS. Front of House staff
Adding a shift:
To start building your roster you can add shifts in week view by clicking on the day next to the staff members name and selecting their role and entering their start & finish time and any job details in the boxes. Then click on the blue Save button.
Other functionality in the week view
Click on any shift to bring up the shift editor popup.
Click, hold and drag on a shift move to a different day or staff member
Hover over a shift, then click and drag on the fill icon to copy the same shift to other days of the week (Not supported on Touch devices)
Day View
Day view gives you an overview of how your shifts overlap within a day. The day view also provides intuitive gestures to help in adding and editing your shifts.
Click on any shift to bring up the shift editor popup
Click and drag on an empty space to add a new shift.
Click hold and drag on a shift to reposition the shift along the day or move the shift to a different staff member
Click and drag the edges of the shift to change the start time or finish time of the shift.
Split Shifts
If a staff member is working more than one shift in a day, click on New and a second shift will be added to the roster.
Copy Roster
Once you have completed one roster, you can use it as a template for your next roster. In the new week, select ‘Copy Roster’:
This will bring up a page where you can select which week to copy to and from, as well as the option to pick whether you want to copy the whole roster, or specific roles:
Printing a Roster
These links create a printable PDF.
Print Roster by Staff will create a PDF with all staff in alphabetical order, listing all their shifts on a day by day basis.
Print Roster by Role will create a PDF with each department broken down and shown separately. (See example below).
Roster Settings:
You can choose to share your roster with staff online through Loaded. The staff can not edit any details or see any other parts of Loaded. This is a quick and easy way to let your staff know their hours for the week. Simply select Share Roster, make sure you make the link Public and click the blue Save button then you can copy the link into an email to your staff.
Other articles and resources that you might find useful.
- Availability for Roster Management - now in Early Access!
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